Foreign businesses can bring key workers to the Canadian parent, subsidiary, branch, or affiliate company through Intra Company Transfer Work Permit, which does not require LMIA (LMIA exemption codes C12, T24, T44, and T51, depending on the country of origin). 

Canada’s best business immigration pathway

We help investors come to Canada quickly on work permits, start a business and obtain permanent residence. We create a customized strategic immigration and business plan that’s right for you and expertly represent you throughout the process. If you have the ability to establish a business enterprise in Canada, then we can help.

  • It’s Fast: Quickly come to Canada with your family and start a business.
  • It’s Easy: We quickly prepare the paperwork and submissions for you. WP2PR is easier and faster than other Canadian investor programs.
  • It’s Affordable: No minimum or upfront investment required.
  • It’s Flexible: No performance agreements required and you can modify your business plans when you arrive in Canada.

What is Intra-Company Transfer to Canada?

Canada Intra-Company Transfer Work Permit, sometimes called Canada ICT Visa, is suitable for key workers and owners of multinational corporations who will be transferred to work in an affiliated Canadian company, either start-up or an established one.

There are many advantages of inter company transfer to Canada, as compared to applying for a regular work permit. In addition to transferring expertise of key staff to the Canadian affiliate, getting ICT Work Permit is facilitated. It does not require LMIA [labour market impact assessment], qualifies for 2-week processing time under the Global Skills Strategy, as well as experience gained on ICT Work Permit can be used to facilitate immigration to Canada after one year of working for Canadian affiliate.